Acetemetophine for Canna disease, and others

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Clumping Palm
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Acetemetophine for Canna disease, and others

Post by canadianplant » Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:20 pm

This article explains the principle behind it:

I personaly sprayed them once every week, for 3 weeks.

Now I have applied this information to possible canna disease. My Tropicanna Black, has no black colour, and stunted growth. It was also inside all winter, and i obver watered it and killed a few of the new rhizomes...... ya trial and error.

So I ordered a Canna Purpurea ( giant canna) rhizome, and bought some Roseman Coles,the president, and Wyoming rhizomes. I also purchased a Richard Wallace Canna. Thinking these had some sign of virus or disease ( probably just being paranoid LOL), I sprayed them too. The Tropicanna is doing excellent, with its deepr purple colour back. The Richard Wallice is doing great as well. The Purpurea is doing great as well. The Wyoming are still showing less black then they should, but are growing fine, with vigour and other wise healthy. The president.... out of 3 plantings, of 3 plants, one is growing, and is growing quite odd. With speckling of the leaves, and light green spots on some. But is growing with speed like its healthy. The other ones are barley growing at all.

Now I planted 2 rose bushes ( Grandiflora, and a hybrid tea type). IT wasnt supposed to go below 0C. And that night on mothers day, -4C and they were blackend by the next morning. ( I hadnt purchased most of the canna, the rhizomes were protected int he portch). Everything was fine exept these. I decided to leave them, cause i know they can grow back fromt he roots, especialy if they are still dormant.

SO while spraying my Canna, remembering that it was used on roses, I decided o spray them, seeing as there was still some green left. I noted that the black was slowly creeping down towards the roots as well.

About 2 weeks ago, I had to do some planting, and the bushes still hadnt done a thing, except the black instantly after spraying. So I went and bought a replacement. I come home, and thought that id just grab the grandiflora and pull it outta the ground. IT was very very very easy, and there was no root growth at all. SO i thought id try with the Hybrid tea, and to my suprise, it was in the ground solid.

I noticed buds growing on it, and it was alive!

Now im not sure if I should attribute this to the asprin spray, or if its just luck, or int he vannas case, the plants natural ability to grow, although its affected. Im going to continue the spray again, to see how it goes long term.

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