Help with my palms and spruces

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Help with my palms and spruces

Post by yuccaman » Sun Apr 09, 2006 6:27 am

I did a bad mistake! I was getting mad because I planted a coconut palm 5 weeks ago and my spruces 4 or 3 weeks and there has been nothing! than I got angry and dumped my pot. Than I saw 4 seedlings trying to grow and they were big and green but did not sprout yet. The spruce seeds were 5 times bigger when I first planted them. My coconut palm was big and almost ready to come out. Everything is dead! Ryans spruces came up in 1 week and his palms in 5 days. Mine just took long.This time im using peat moss and my yucca canes soil and the right fertilizer.Im not unpatient because I grew cactus and took a week and a half to sprout.I dont mean ryan on this forum. My friend ryan.

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Post by Alchris » Sun Apr 09, 2006 8:27 am

Hi Donny;

I do not use fertilizer when germinating seeds. I believe that there are sufficient nutrients in the seed and the peat moss/potting soil. I also believe that adding fertilizer may damage the young roots as they emerge from the seed.

I don't know what others experience with this has been but that is the way that I have done it for years.

You don't have to be crazy to grow palms in Alberta..... But it helps

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Post by yuccaman » Sun Apr 09, 2006 8:39 am

I use very little fertilizer so it dont burn anything but its good to use at some point. I mix my normal soil with peat moss. My dad did this and got huge spruces. So it should grow fast and big for me :) What I did with the seeds there is a wing with them and at the bottom of it slide out the real seed out of the wing seed case and you got your seed. I have 36 seeds now by shaking cones and rippin them apart some times you dont need to take them out of the wing case because they already falled out of it.

But becareful when you rip out cones bacause you get little spiders that bite! but where you live I dont they they are out but you are having a mild spell to wake them up. We are going to hit 24C but they are forecast 20s all week. So springs here.

I had my spruces growing in normal soil before so thats why? but they opened all up when I dumped it. Seeds were huge!

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