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Soil Mold/fungus?

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:10 am
by canadianplant
Ive noticed some of my plants getting a white "fuzzy" layer on the suface of the soil. In all my years of taking care of plants I havnt seen it till this year, when I started using Sunshine mix #4. SO far its on one pot of bamboo seedlings (fargesia yunannensis), a sabal seedling, and my ginkgo seedling.

Is there anything I can do to get rid of it without killing the seedlings? Im assuming this is why so many of you use sand on the top layer?

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:07 pm
by lucky1
I use sand on the top layer only to try to keep fungus gnats down to a dull roar ('coz sand dries fast).
And then I found out that's how I got the worm in my Jubaea seed... :cry: (not sterlized).

I've used Sunshine #4 for years, never had a problem.
Hydrogen peroxide (3%) will fix the fungus/mold and not harm seedlings/plants.

It's a sign your stuff is too wet with poor air circulation, or both.


Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:32 am
by canadianplant
Ahh thanks barb

The thing is, it couldnt have been too wet. The soil was dry before i watered it. It showed up within a few days on the Sabal seedling...