Soil and Fertilizer for Palms and Desert plants

What works best?

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Soil and Fertilizer for Palms and Desert plants

Post by PlanesandPalmsGuy »

Good, well draining soils for palms, cycads, and desert plants like cacti, yuccas, agave, and succulents, is either peat or spaghnum moss. Spaghnum moss is very loose and "airy." Its great for seed germinating too. If one is going to plant some cacti or some type of desert plant, it would be a good idea to mix a fine sand with the spaghnum or peat moss, about a 2:1 ratio of spaghum/sand. A fertilizer high in nitrogen and potassium is always good in the early spring, it really encourages new growth, or rebounds the plant after a colder than normal winter.

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