Palms and exotics from England.

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Palms and exotics from England.

Post by cheshirepalms »

Hi, I'm a new member and thought I'd share a few slide shows of the palms and exotics in England. The first is in Torquay in the southwest, ay 50.4 degrees north, its pretty mild and moderated by the Atlantic and southwest airflow for most of the time. The second is on the Wirral in northwest England at 53.3 degrees north, still some big suprises. The last 2 is of my garden in Cheshire 53.2 degrees north but more inland, from summer 2013.

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Post by lucky1 »

Greetings, John, welcome aboard PN.

English Riviera it is! Wow. :shock:
You had me at the first photo of that gorgeous Phoenix.

Also happy to see mature Red Cordylines, glad I've dug mine up each Fall for inside storage.
I'm at 50N and can't grow 85% of what is shown in your video. :cry:

Funny that someone thought a gorilla statue would fit with the palmy look.

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Post by Beny »

Wow..nice videos, thx for sharing that :D ....welcome aboard...

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Post by DesertZone »

loved the vids. 8) 8) 8)
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Here's to all the global warming pushers, may your winters be -30 below and four feet of snow in your driveway. Because I want you happy.
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