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Observation I made today on Germinating

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 5:01 pm
by Kansas
You long time guys, PLEASE excuse this as I am sure you will read this and say, well duhhhh you dumb
a s s. You didn't know that?????
But for us kinda new to the hobby, I found this out today as I am just starting and finding new things.
I got 50 CIDP seeds. I took about 40 of them and put in two air tight containers that are about 3" deep. I put 2 1/2" of the medium, then seeds, then covered w/ 1/2" more and wetted and set on top of heat.
I took the other 10 or so and put in a different container which happened to be about 6" deep (about the size of a butter container you get at the store, but a tad deeper) and put about 5 1/2" medium and then the seeds, then 1/2" of medium and wetted and put on same heat mat as the others.
I found today that the two containers that were 3" deep had 90% germination in a week and a half.
I found today that the one container that was 6" deep has 0% germination in a week and a half.
Again, sorry if this is common knowledge, but it seems as though the depth of the soil when on heat really is a factor. I hope this helps some newbies like me.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 6:41 pm
by Cali-wanna-b
Heck, I wrap mine in a wet paper towel inside of a zip lock baggie and put them up on the fridge. I have more popped seeds then greenhouse thanks for the info, interesting.