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Canada Crape Myrtles?? Where?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:22 pm
by 905palms
A few of you are having some success with these in Z6A regions. I'm looking to add some visual contrast to my Nerium Pink Oleanders
which are die back perennials. My regional sources haven't heard of any Crape Myrtles (dwarf or not) requests by anyone from this area.
It would be unique indeed to try (like everything else here I suppose)
Are there specific species that could work, perhaps even as a die back? Teebee gave me some tips on local nurseries willing to experiment, but I haven't
tried requesting as of yet.
Maybe the Edith Bogue Maggy, could be the only permanent option to spruce up the front yard...

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:44 pm
by lucky1
Maybe Adam will chime in here, he'll know.
Or Paul.


Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 3:55 pm
by seedscanada
Hi there The crape myrtles I have zero experiene with those. I believe Rice Rd ghs in Fonthill had/has some. The southern magnolias are there last I checked as well available at Mori on hwy 55 Virgil. Z6b Edith bogue has a few specimens in Niagara falls that are doing great.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:38 pm
by 905palms
Thanks Adam, I'll reach out to Rice Rd, maybe JR knows of a few who have tried, however, I do know they carry some juvenile Magnolias. Cheers!

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 6:06 am
by Paul Ont
Crape Myrtles:
A person to ask is Kevin at Southcoast gardens. He has the most experience of anyone that I know, with the widest range of species. I know that last year he had a few plants with little to no die back... I doubt they would be alive above the snow after this recent cold! Southcoast is down on the Erie shore, near Turkey point.

There was also an older gentlemen I met who had been growing his own seed grown plant for something like 30 years. He said that some years they'd be top killed and some years they wouldn't... That was in Niagara region, however.

Most other people I know who are growing them protect them over the winter.

Mag's: Lots of options. Evergreen will be hardy for you, depending how far out from the lake you are located.

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 7:04 am
by 905palms
Awesome information Paul, thank-you very much. I appreciate your input. Definitely worth a shot, I'll give Kevin a shout. I wasn't aware of that nursery. I'm around 4 miles (6km) north of Lake ON. Winters a degree or 2 cooler in my area, summers a degree or 2 (sometimes more) warmer...
I'll do more research on the hardiest of Crape Myrtles that can tolerate Z6a, perhaps there's a string from Virginia or NC.