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New Plants

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:06 pm
by bgodwin1987
So I ordered a Yucca rostrata, a Yucca filamentosa "Color Guard", and a Agave Parryii Var. Parryii from Tejas Tropicals on Sunday, and they arrived today. All arrived in pretty good shape, the Agave was a bit smashed but it will recover. have never grown any of these before, except Yucca filamentosa but iv only grown the species form, so im excited. My cat Ava apparently is excited by the new plants too, but she's more interested in smelling them and attempting to eat them.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:24 pm
by lucky1
Hey, Bryce, nice purchases.

Gotta clean my glasses, I thought that brown lump was your cat.
Heck, it's the bag!

What is it with cats and yuccas?
Somebody else's cat eats yucca seedligs...Tim's? :shock:

It'll be good to see those planted in your yard, Bryce. only need about 3 or 4 Trachy palms... :D


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:14 pm
by seedscanada
Bryce good selections.

Barb, you should see what my cat did to my remaining Yucca rigida! Grr. Practically ate the whole plant... then puked it up.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:21 pm
by lucky1
Oh no.
what my cat did to my remaining Yucca rigida! Grr.
I'd feed him the planter pot now. :twisted:
(sorry, not a cat fan...I prefer to not have catpoop/pee in my palm pots/potting soil, etc.)


Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 8:27 pm
by DesertZone
Nice plants...looking forward to seeing them in the ground. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:33 pm
by bgodwin1987
Barb I have about 25 Trachy seedlings, 25 Sabal Minor seedlings, and 4 needle palm seedlings, Plus I have 2 Variegated Yucca rostrata, all awaiting to be planted, eventually. I put the new plants up on a shelf on my enclosed back porch so the cats cant reach them. Otherwise they will be chewed up, luckily she doesn't pee and poop in my plants, she just chews them and my other cat ignores my plants all together. I am wanting to build a small desert themed type bed with my Agave Parryii, Yuccas, a few hardy cacti, and a few palms.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:43 pm
by bgodwin1987
Thanks everyone ill be sure to post more pics when I get these in the ground. I potted up that Yucca 'Color Guard' today.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:22 am
by damir
very nice plants. you live in simillar zone as i. 7a to 6b. i had bad experience with y.rostrata,it died in 1st winter,even with protection. leaves dried out and trunk rotten. but it doesent mean that yours will. dry soil in winter keeps them alive. also i have agave parryi,but i take it out every winter,and plant it in spring. this year it will stay there. needle palm is the best for zones 7a 6b,also sabal mccurtain. and also my cat is eating all my young yuccas. maybe there are some vitamins in it :lol: . keep us update.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 5:11 am
by TimMAz6
Hi Bryce, nice plants. Do you have a close up photo of the Yucca rostrata seedling? I've never heard of a variegated Y. rostrata....who's offering those?

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:03 am
by bgodwin1987
Oops Tim I meant Variegated Yucca Gloriosa, sorry I bet you got excited. It would be really cool though if there was a variegated Yucca rostrata, maybe in the future, if they don't already exist somewhere. Damir I live technically in zone 6b but im pretty close to the border with 7a according to the new USDA zone map, like its a few miles south of where my house is. This winter was really mild, like the lowest temp was 13 F usually it gets down to at least 0 a few times during the winter. The last few winters though have been pretty mild. I plan on amending the soil with sand and gravel, as my soil is this reddish clay that kinda sandy, it doesn't really drain that well though. The north side of my house is pretty hot and during the summer most things wont live it's just to hot so I decided to go with plants that need less water, im too busy to water everything constantly.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 7:33 am
by lucky1
desert themed type bed with my Agave Parryii, Yuccas, a few hardy cacti, and a few palms.
Ooooh, that'd be fun to build.
From what you said, it'll be on the north side.

Get at 'er :lol: :lol: and show us the bed as you build it.

If you were next door, I'd be standing there waiting to help. :D
