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Chamaerops x vulcano

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 11:49 am
by Dean W.
My Chamaerops x vulcano are moving right along. One question for the pros here. Can I pot up the seedlings even though they don't have leaflettes, yet? Last time i did it looked as though they died. I don't want it to happen again. :oops:


Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 10:33 am
by lucky1
Dean, nice germination!

Those shoots are so long already, you'll have to be careful they don't get damaged when planting into individual pots.
Gently lower the shoot into soft soil (I use a spoon to dig out enough room for the shoot).
Then use a water mister to settle the soil gently around the shoot.

I would use a seedling potting mix (it's got more peat which is soft and won't damage the shoot).
Keep misting to ensure water soaks the mix down to the tip of the shoot and beyond.

I would leave the top of the seed exposed, much like now (except the shoot will be going down into the pot).

Use the deepest styro coffee cups you can find, or something like a 7/11 Slushie drink cup.
Remember to cut a drain hole in bottom.

I put plastic wrap over each cup, held in place with a rubber band. Keeps humidity high.
Remove every two days to mist again with warm water, and replace plastic.

Hope this helped.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 10:43 am
by Dean W.
Thanks, Barb, I was just going to put them in a community pot for now.
