Sabel minor

For cold hardy palm tree enthusiasts.

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Sabel minor

Post by DesertZone » Sun Jan 15, 2006 8:37 am

Just thought I would start a sabel minor thread :D My sabal minors look like they are going to be ok :D

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Post by Kansas » Sun Jan 15, 2006 2:36 pm

Your in Zone 5?
I am in Kansas in Z6B. I would love to start a Minor but I can't find any GreenHouses or Nursery around that carries them :(

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Post by DesertZone » Sun Jan 15, 2006 6:49 pm

Hi :D
Yes, I am in a warmer zone 5. They don't do very well here, but these are some that I have grown myself and seem to be doing better then normal. I planted several different forms of sabel minor, but did not keep good enough records, so I don't wich form I have? I think they are "McCurtain County" Sabels but not sure?
I have just a few for sell if you would like one? I sell the one gallons for $7.00 + $6.00 shipping and handling. There is several places that sell them if you look around the internet, but if you don't find a place to buy one let me know :D
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Post by Kansas » Sun Jan 15, 2006 7:21 pm

I tried PMing you but I must not have this down yet :oops:
I had a few questions...
1) What do you ship in. Because I am in Kansas and would hate to get home from work to see a dead Sabal on doorstep :(
2) Are you reputable? Reason I ask is I am in the boxing business for my 15th year. I sell scout videos to World Title Holders for upcoming fights and many folks have tried to get one over on me but I had the experience. But this all new to me so I am weary. I am sure you understand.
3) With a gallon containered tree, I need to wait about 2 -3 years before planting outside, correct?

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Post by DesertZone » Sun Jan 15, 2006 9:45 pm

I got your PM and tried to send one but said it was not working :(

I have sent plants out arcoss the counrty, and seeds to Canada. I send plants that are bare root. First thing for you to know is a sabel minor is a slow growing palm when in its inmature stage, My one gallon palms are about 3-4 years old, but not very big, so it easy to ship a plant in a small container. I think the plant should be ok if left out in the package for a few hours, but is a chance a person takes when ordering this time of year. I would not recommend planting out side until frost has past. There is other places to get palms from if you are not sure about my service. And you may be better off going with one of them if you plan on ordering trachy palms with the sabels because I have no Trachies to sell at this time so you might do better going to one source because of the shipping cost. My shipping cost is $6.00 for the first $50.00 dallors and I ship US priority mail.
I don't have many palms right now how many are you looking for? I have three sabel minors that are of size. I specialize in Yuccas and have a few more of them :D Let me know if I can be of service :D
My guaranty is that the plants will be shipped out upon recieving payment. P.S. I could send them in bubble wrap and in a box for warmth.
Thank for your intrest in my palms :D

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Post by Jay-Admin » Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:37 am

I can vouch for Aaron (desertzone). He's been true to his word ever since he started posting here.

I have received seeds from him a few times with no problems at all. :D


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Post by Kansas » Mon Jan 16, 2006 6:19 am

I think I will go ahead and order from you if thats alright Aaron.
I do need to wait till next pay day (this coming Friday) because I bought a beauty of a Spanish Dagger for $85 this week and the wife isn't happy with all my purchases with the new hobby. And you know what they say, "if Momma ain't happy, Ain't nobody happy".
I'll probably get just the one Sabal. I heard they are slow to grow to begin so thats not a big deal. I really don't have a problem with bring all my palms inside for the winter.
The Spanish Dagger I got, I had my mother come take a pic of it to post on the board but I am a computer idiot. She sent me the pic thru e-mail, can I forward it to you Aaron so you can see it, and post it here on the board w/out my mother's e-mail addy?

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Post by DesertZone » Mon Jan 16, 2006 8:43 am

Hi Kansas
That is fine :D I will save you one. When it is good for you let me know. Yes you can send me an e-mail with that pic and I will see if I can post it :D I will make sure there is no e-mail address posted with it :D I think we would all love to see that pic.
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Post by DesertZone » Mon Jan 16, 2006 5:04 pm

Hi Kansas,
I posted that pic of the Spanish Dagger under the desert part of the forum :D I think you did very good for the $85 you spent on the yucca 8)
Shoshone Idaho weather
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Here's to all the global warming pushers, may your winters be -30 below and four feet of snow in your driveway. Because I want you happy.

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Post by Kansas » Mon Jan 16, 2006 5:13 pm

The wife doesn't think so :D
But I think it adds a lot to my "Florida" basement. See I want to move to Florida soooo bad but the wife won't, so she told me I could make the basement a "Florida Room". So thats where I have all my palms. Even thou I think the tree grows in AZ, it still gives the look of Florida.
Then in April, I will move all the palms outside along my patio for the nights when I can just set outside and feel like I am in Florida.
So far I must say the folks in the Palm biz are nicer than the folks in the Boxing Biz. Ever hear of a guy named Kenny Keene up in Idaho?

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Post by DesertZone » Mon Jan 16, 2006 6:26 pm

Do you know that there is yuccas like the one you have that could live just fine outside in your yard. I think the one you have might be cold hardy.
There is many of the palm yuccas that are very cold hardy and grow 4 feet of trunk in 10 years that need no protection :D
Boxing, let me think about that for a bit. The name Kenny Keene sounds so familiar. I have heard that name a few times. What part of the state was Kenney from? I went to school with a Kenny that was into boxing.
Shoshone Idaho weather
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Here's to all the global warming pushers, may your winters be -30 below and four feet of snow in your driveway. Because I want you happy.

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Post by Kansas » Mon Jan 16, 2006 6:38 pm

Kenny was/is from Emmitt.
The gardner at "Lowe's" & the one of the place I got it at told me it was not hardy in Topeka.
HOWEVER, neither person had ever heard of anything known as a "Trachycarpus" or "Hystrix". Matter of fact, the person I bought it from even told me I knew more about palms than she did. And I have only been into this for a couple weeks.
I'de like to try it, but I bet that tree is very old and I would HATE to kill it after it had lived this long.

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Post by DesertZone » Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:09 am

Yea...I don't know if I would risk such a nice yucca, but there is yuccas that are totaly cold hardy that will grow even larger than the one you have. If you ever want to try a smaller version of the one you have let me know :D These yuccas dislike wet cold weather more than very cold weather.
Very few people at the nurseries know anything about the cold hardy palm world, they are to busy trying to sell people things like roses :roll:
Shoshone Idaho weather
<img src=" ... ooding.gif" alt="Click for Pearce, Arizona Forecast" border="0" height="50" width="150" /></a>
Here's to all the global warming pushers, may your winters be -30 below and four feet of snow in your driveway. Because I want you happy.

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